Doing Business on The Web

Doing Business on The Web

Nowadays, having web visibility for your business is a no-brainer, but making it count is different concept altogether. The reason making a website count is a challenge is because there are so many of them. There are at least 100 million websites online, and nearly 2...
Toll Free Numbers, Should I Get One?

Toll Free Numbers, Should I Get One?

Most small business owners never consider the benefits of having a toll free 1800 number available to their customers and clients, and more importantly (far more importantly), potential customers and clients. In fact, having a 800# is one of those small nuances with...
Overcoming Loyal Customers

Overcoming Loyal Customers

As a business owner you’ve probably encountered the potential client that professes loyalty to their current vendor. To the untrained and poorly groomed entrepreneur this may be seen as a roadblock, a lost opportunity to convert, or even worse; justification for...