I felt compelled to share this video featuring the world famous Guy Kawasaki as he talks with small business owners about the power of “enchantment”. Enchantment, as described my Mr. Kawasaki, can have lasting positive impacts on your life, professional relationships, and more importantly, your business. I have to admit that I learned a lot of things that change the way I operate my business as a result of watching this video and I invite your to check it out.

Key Points of The Enchantment Concept

Enchantment, as explained from the view of Guy Kawasaki, is the process of delighting and creating a long lasting relationship with others.

  • When you smile, always use a genuine smile and avoid fake smiles as they are detectable.
  • Dressing down can be seen as a form of disrespect the same way that over-dressing can make people feel that you see yourself as superior. Always dress in a manner that is equivalent to the people in your business circles.
  • Be likable. Be trustworthy. Trust your customers. An example of a company trusting its customers are practices like money-back guarantees and other gestures that show faith in your customers/clients.
  • Always try to think of ways to help others, rather than yourself.

5 Qualities of a Great Service


When offering a business or service, its beneficial to everyone that the service/product has depth. An example of depth could be a cell phone with tons of features.

Another example could be a bakery. Imagine the differences between a bakery that only bakes breads, and the baker that bakes donuts, offers a delivery service, offers a mail order option (which could mean national clients), phone support, online interactivity, and…well you get the idea. Depth is what separates great services, from good ones.


Did the service or product solve a problem for the customer? Putting a lot of thought into a service, product, and the customer using the service will serve you and your customer in more ways than one.


Great products and services are complete. The totality of the product. An example of completeness in a service could be the availability of support, upgrades, more information…. the totality of the solution

The earlier example of the baker can be considered an example of completeness.


Great products are empowering. It gives it user a higher level of creativity and usefulness. A great example of an empowering tool could be the device known as the automobile. It empowers its user with independence and the ability to travel great distances in short order when compared to walking, bicycling, or riding a horse.


Having an elegant product means the designer or developer cared about usability an design.


Have a “Mantra” not a “Mission Statement”.

When marketing your business, its best to employ the use of a short mantra rather than a massive mission statement.

Example: Nike’s “Just Do It”

The PreMortem Concept

The premortem concept is the opposite of the postmortem concept.

In short, when a business fails there’s always time dedicated to figuring out what went wrong. The premortem concept offers the wisdom of looking at a business project prior to launch, pretending it failed, then working to uncover why it failed/why it might fail. By using a concept of this nature, one can directly tackle the challenge of removing the kinks in a business plan prior to being victimized by them.

There’s more to learn! Watch the full video!

Guy Kawasaki on Enchantment, Business Tips

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